Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Circular Economy and role of Repair

As we try to understand a circular economy system we come to realize that recycle at an industrial level should be the last resort. As we compare energy expendature between manufacturing, repair and recycle it is startling to notice that in recycling energy expenditure can even precede the energy expenditure at the manufacturing level which increases the carbon mileage. In developed countries the product is set miles away for dismantling and recyceling and exposure to hazardous materials have no accountability for.

Here are some interesting article that talks about recycle as the last resort, when the product have been used to it's full capacity unlike now when products are tossed at only1/3 of it's life cycle or better still when brand new.


Here's another interesting website that decodes a lot about circular economy....


Tuesday, May 10, 2016

We are looking for your support!

Sharing a blog from Marcy who aligns with out thoughts and have supported us on Ketto!
Spread the word, show us support and we will come to your neighborhood and conduct a repair cafe workshop.
For donations please find the link below:-

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Spare some time, give a little thought.

To a whole lot of us repairing is an after thought, most of us look at it as some one else's job but a little careful consideration and knowledge can go far not only in becoming self reliant but also saving many accidents and silly mistakes that are caused due to unawareness. Here's a video that talk about such a case.